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  • Author: Rachel Bryant Lundy




We believe Chelsea.
She’s been able to remain innocent and viewed as the pre- teen, and only child to her parents that she was when she first moved in the white house in 1993. Now as a wife with two small children, America still has a soft spot for Chelsea Clinton.

We all know that currently Chelsea is not a politician, it was a smart move to avoid a speech based on policy and promises that would have been of no effect. The campaign chose to go with a speech from the heart and it was a success. I was a ball of emotion as I listened and it completely took me by surprise. I am amazed at what honesty and meekness can say that bravado will never be able to. There’s nothing like a daughter talking about her mama, and letting you in on the stuff you don’t get to see. Daughters truly know what their mothers go through. They see the very high highs and the very low lows.

While daughters adore their dad from the moment we know they will spoil us rotten, it’s not tell we are actually older that we begin to have respect and pride for our mom. We begin to empathize with how it feels to not be paid fairly, but have to work the same job just as hard if not harder. We know how it feels to be resented for our brains. We know how it feels to want to raise a family, while also wanting to build something of our own in the world.  And, we know how it feels to dare go after dreams that are typically reserved for men.

As much as America loves business, money, and fame, we secretly know life isn’t about those things, and they have their place. We know that keeping a family together through betrayal and financial hardship trumps all. Chelsea’s speech showed us her mom’s priorities, her vulnerabilities, and how she handled her failures.



Chelsea’s speech didn’t need to have policy, or put rivals in their place, her mother was going to do that. Her speech just had to be honest, because let’s face it, there is no competition when anyone has something great to say about their mom.

Years ago, as I watched the Clintons exit the White House as the Bushes entered in, I never would have thought Hilary would be back.  But, she fought her way back in. She became a Senator, lost her first presidential election, and then became Secretary of State.

Hilary waited her turn, and now we will have a woman in the White House as President.



Rachel Bryant Lundy

BUFFOONERY: It’s Levels to this


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I was in a state of awe, shock, sublime hilarity, and offense at the news about Mrs. Trump plagiarism earlier in the week.  But, what “urked” me the most was the arrogant attitude from the rest of the Trumps’ over the mishap. Instead of even pretending to have some humility they  went with the don’t bother asking me about it, and questioning what screw up everyone was talking about approach. A couple days later we suddenly hear that a person takes responsibility for writing the speech, who supposedly has a prior relationship with Donald Trump with the writing of his books. This person also conveniently says they attempted to resign from whatever the position they have at Trump Inc., but Trump was gracious enough to not hear of it because everyone makes mistakes. So let me get this straight, you want us to believe that a real writer forgot to remove quotes of someone else’s speech or a real writer mistakenly gave the OK to use someone else’s work? How Sway?

And we’re also  supposed to forget that Mrs. Trump threw out the original speech that was given to her, presumably because of its complexity and lack of grit and heart felt emotion. Then she deliberately took parts of Michelle Obama’s speech and added it to hers. She actually believed that it would be OK and that no one would notice. This is not the kind of First Lady I want. Not only is she lacking character, she is lacking logic. In addition, she seems to be unaware of academic standards in the United States of America that are used in middle school . This debacle, along with the many others pose too many red flags for a Presidency. But, I guess because it’s her and because it’s the Trumps, it’s ok? Again, the arrogance and entitlement is infuriating. Maybe they think admitting your wrong is a sign of weakness, which I’m sure will take our country far if given the opportunity?

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Check out Trump’s Campaign strategy on handling Mistakes

1) Lay low, real low for atleast a day after a scandal breaks out
2) Ignore diplomacy, ignore apology
3) Deny, Deny ,Deny
4) Get a fall guy
5) Spin things so you will seem victimized but still a good sport about the situation
6) Show up the next day looking as if nothing ever happened
7) Even better show up the next day with a kid so critical opinions about your mistake will be minimalized
8) Move on because in your mind  it never happened= no harm, no foul

Though try as they may, buffoons always outsmart themselves, and burn the wrong bridges. Those who they seek to emulate in the most narcissistic and disingenuous ways they are never quite able to become. Melania Trump’s inability to fess up to outright stealing from Mrs. Obama without ever acknowledging it, or giving feelings of the slightest apology  for the confusion it has caused proved that she will never be able to be Mrs. Obama…..and will eventually LEVEL off the edge of the cliff. Hopefully, we won’t have to watch.


Costing someone the Presidential election, throwing out a speech that was already written for you, and saying it out t loud is grounds for divorce lol, or maybe just good karma.

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Rachel Bryant Lundy



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“Here’s what police misconduct cases are costing taxpayers in big cities across the nation:”

Boston $36 million between 2005 and 2015.

 Chicago $521 million between 2004 and 2014.

 Los Angeles $101 million between 2002 and 2011

 New York City $348 million between 2006 and 2011.

  ~Nick Wing

 So far 560 people have been killed by police in 2016, and just in case you didn’t know why their has always been violence and suspicion associated with cops it’s because “many southern police departments began as slave patrols. In 1704, the colony of Carolina developed the nation’s first slave patrol. Slave patrols helped to maintain the economic order and to assist the wealthy landowners in recovering and punishing slaves who essentially were considered property” (Kappeler, Victor, E). There is obviously a strong correlation of the perceived value and mistreatment of a black person in the 1700’s and today’s police.

After attempting to wrap my head around the tragic murders of Delrawn Small, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and those similar to it, I’ve come to three powerful realizations. First, the Fraternal Order of Police is an extremely powerful entity in every city and state. Secondly, as a country, America would much rather pay off the victims of crimes committed by cops than actually hold them accountable and retrain their officers.  And lastly, while I love what the “First Family” represents and all the strides Black celebrities have made, they mean very little in times like these if they will not use their influence to help this cause.

While well founded, I hate my cynical attitude towards justice and racism in America. I was born in 1983, half my childhood in the suburbs, and was raised to love everyone. But, this isn’t the world my parents thought my brothers and I would end up living in. And, this is a harsh reality for those that thought moving to a decent neighborhood would protect their children. We are all aware that it doesn’t matter where you live, what you have, and even who you know because the entire country has gone mad and everyone is watching.



I’ve seen so much killing done by police officers, with no repercussions, that I no longer believe justice prevails if it involves law enforcement. What I have seen and what I am forced to accept is that money silences victims, and the legal system will continue to protect the real criminals. As a result, cities have to pay for lawsuits filed by families who know things won’t work out in their favor in the court room. This method of only paying off the victim’s families, instead of also addressing the issues the community will have to face due to the trauma inflicted is horrible for morale, the economy, and any signs of possible patriotism.

No President, Presidential nominee, or black millionaire has seriously tackled police brutality and the effects of it on our country. Is it because of fear of retaliation? We can recall when the Mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio dared to speak out about the unfair practices of some police, and they openly showed their disrespect for him with no fear of retribution? Or is it plain indifference, ignorance, and fear of actually being known as someone that cares about black issues, not just black votes and dollars.

When will we see that this dysfunctional systematic way of living in America only ends up depleting this country of the people that helped to build it, and deplete city’s of the resources that would have provided better schools, recreation centers, play grounds, after school care, sanitation departments, and neighborhood watch programs? Maybe that’s the plan.

Wake Up!

Rachel Bryant Lundy









I’ve been tired (please excuse my absence).

My city is sad, my country is sad.

I’ve been uninspired.  

Regard for the human life feels like it’s nowhere in sight, so let me just dive right in.

The right to bear arms dates back to the bill of rights from 1689. Overtime it has been added to numerous constitutions. On July 4th 1776, America was founded, and the right to bear arms was a part of our constitution. Just imagine how 18th century America was, as more people populated the landscape from Europe, as Native Americans were fighting to maintain their land, and as Africans were being displaced into it. You can imagine how the right to bear arms would be crucial to maintaining freedom, your home, protection from wild life, and dominance in society. Whoever had arms possessed the right to…. live. Now a days, it is a luxury, not a necessity.

While I am still in shock from the lives that have been taken, I want to approach tragedy of the mass shooting in the Orlando Night Club, Pulse with logic and rational thinking.  

A way to ensure the likelihood of this not happening again is to CHANGE THE LAWS. Shouldn’t “we the people” demand that laws are updated to reflect the times? As much as we all want to buy whatever we want, whenever we want, shouldn’t we be concerned with the greater good of society and not self? And, shouldn’t we not overlook that until the murderer carried out this unthinkable act, he hadn’t broken any laws. He was even investigated by the FBI more than once, and still getting an assault rifle was not against the law.  

Without a doubt, the amount of people murdered at one time increases the impact that is felt, because instead of mourning one, you are mourning several. However, we should be just as outraged by the murder of a person, or two, or three that happen every day in American cities. With all respect, I ask you is there any difference in a mass shooting of 50 people versus 150, or 300 lives killed yearly in one city? No, all of these instances should not be tolerated. If we don’t fix the route of this epidemic, we will become a country that choses it’s leaders out of fear. These leaders don’t bring progression, they bring tyranny.

I am praying for those that lost loved ones, but I am praying for a country to no longer react from horrors, but decide to actually prevent them.

Rachel Bryant Lundy